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Get your brand into the hands of 4 million+ pet parents

Dog Walker

Get your product directly into the hands of pet parents through the providers they trust most

Samples, offers and new pet parent kits are delivered by animal rescue staff, veterinarians, boarders and groomers. Campaigns may include on-premise sample distribution, point-of-care media and grass root social media/digital activations.

84% of consumers intend to purchase after receiving a sample, info or coupon from an Aha! Program​

Hugging Birman Cat

Pet Program 2024

In support of National Pet Month (May) deliver 10,000 samples of your brand directly to prospective buyers through our influential network of pet care professionals. Drive top-of-mind awareness, consideration, and purchase. Veterinarians, groomers, animal shelters, and daycares will present samples as a gift to pet parents

Holding Ginger Cat

Reach Pet Parents

Deliver your brand directly to prospective buyers through our influential network of pet care professionals and drive top-of-mind awareness, consideration, and purchase.

Our proprietary network audience includes shelter staff, veterinarians, groomers and boarders. Samples are delivered hand-to-hand through natural points of intersections or adoption kits.

Puppy Love
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